Thank you for helping us to innovate further … It's about Scout innovations
… Yes we know the SCOUT is not perfect. In fact it will never be.
We believe research, engineering and design is an infinite process.
Some of the best ideas sometimes come from the enthusiastic customers like you. Please share them with us to innovate the SCOUT paramotors even further.
Lets make some Scout improvements.
What would you improve on your Scout?
…or any other paramotor
Improvement inspired by you
Reinforcement brackets.
Our fiend and customer Jean Francoise installed a set of reinforcement tubes on his SCOUT to make it more sturdy for his 6000 miles paramotor adventure.
Inspired by his solution we have made it even better. They increase the stiffness and rigidity of the frame. We recommend these for schools and beginners. Also recommended for pilots who use their SCOUT with a trike or transport on a hitch rack.
We call them beef tubes and they are avaìlable in our eshop now. Just Scout improvements!
The backstage of paramotor research, design, engineering, testing … failing 5 times to succeed once…Scout improvements